What I Learned in the Past Few Months

Or, “What Grace was thinking at those awkward times.”

September: Hair grows. Don’t lose your ruler in the first week of school.
October: Dancing doesn’t require you to lose all dignity. Boots are awesome.
November: Yoga? What’s that? Draw at home, and eat lots.
December: Celebrate, tell, share, and be kind.

So these days I’ve been thinking of what would happen if we all said what we were really thinking. I think I should try that, for example, when somebody says they like something somebody made and I don’t, I should say it. ( . . . ) No. More like, um . . . if I actually voiced what I was thinking, most people would get offended, and others will think I’m insane. I work in complicated ways – I said that before. Where am I going here?

I think it’s weird how some people look like others, and only one person knows that. Wait, that didn’t make any sense. Today I feel pretty talkative, being the Holiday Dance and all. Plus, Pocky helps you make friends. where was I . . . ? Oh yeah. Today we talked about how boys mature later than girls. I . . . think that’s not really true. Boys really never mature. Well, neither do girls. Some people are just more able to commit themselves to something than others. Me? Mm~, I’m one of those people who hang around doing nothing, making friends with everyone, wheedling information out of people, and admiring people (‘s looks).

The song that matches my current mood is: Garden Party, by (who else) Jay Chou. But I’m listening to a slightly more depressing song. Forgot the name, and I’m too lazy to translate it. Yeah. I have a band performance later today, so now I’m cramming as much happenings as I can into this post~.

Actually, right now I’m trying to figure out myself. Why do certain people appeal to me, while others don’t? Uh, now that I think about it, let’s not go down that road. It’ll lead to more questions, and a more darker Grace. So, let’s talk about what I did today.

I wonder what people think of me. I know good people aren’t supposed to care all that much, but whoever said I was good? Anyways, to me, this is all very interesting material. This is like a replay of my emo phase, except lighter~ How interesting.

Hey, this wasn’t supposed to be another identity crisis rant – this is supposed to be how much I changed in the last few months. Well, apparently, not very much. Still the same questions, same lack of answers, and same marks.

I just remembered when we went skating last Friday. I told Nicole something, ah, interesting: “Now would be a nice time to have a boyfriend.” “What?! Why?” “Because then I could lean on him and I wouldn’t bring him down with me when I fall.” “Huh. Yeah. But he has to be heavier and taller than you.” “My point.”

September: Listen to whatever people have to say. Because it’s important.
October: Help out, and people’ll help you.
November: Write good stories, draw nice pictures, and radiate happiness.
December: Do not go through another emo phase during winter break.

~grace yin
Is this even a story? Ugh . . . well, everything’s true. This is just a fruit salad of talkative me.


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