Category: Everyday

10/10/2014 / Everyday

Hello! I’m back. For the time being anyways. So, I guess I didn’t keep my promise, but don’t worry… a…

15/09/2014 / Announcements

I’ve finished all the tagging and categorizing,and the blogging will resume its normal path, but perhaps with improvements, because what’s…

08/08/2014 / Everyday

This blog is currently under construction. I think. I’ve decided to re-tag and categorize every post – which is kind…

30/06/2014 / Everyday

So it’s been 14 years since Delight was born, 13 since my first memory, 12 since the melon cake, and…

09/05/2014 / Dumb Things

Wow May 2013 was very Squirrel-centric. I mean, there was ‘Soften Up’, and that’s like, the most hardcore thing I’ve…

09/09/2013 / Dumb Things

School sucks. Like, I still think it does. I am very upset and I wake up every morning upset. The…

03/09/2013 / Dumb Things
26/08/2013 / Dumb Things

I don’t usually regret things. But when I do, it’s never a decision I decided to make. But then you…

05/08/2013 / Dumb Things
30/06/2013 / Everyday