Category: Everyday

20/10/2016 / Everyday
18/09/2016 / Everyday
06/09/2016 / Everyday

Back to school. More hoping that I’ll put in consistent effort. See that emphasis? Hopefully be less impulsive, too. Maybe…

14/08/2016 / Everyday

A relatively short post today. I’ve been really tired recently (I’ve been slipping into my true break form, which is…

09/08/2016 / Everyday

It’s been halfway through summer break already. Unfortunately, unlike last summer, I don’t have an adventure to document here. I…

17/06/2016 / Everyday
26/04/2016 / Everyday

Fairly busy season. Filling monthly quota, and scheduling appointments. Hoping to be a better person.

27/03/2016 / Everyday
10/03/2016 / Everyday

Actually, it’s in 5 days, but early spring is never a good time. Plans for Spring Break include extensive homeworking,…

01/01/2016 / Everyday

Quick resolutions regarding present, past, and future. Create ambition. Find motivation. Act less on impulse. Look for opportunities. Maintain work…