A very busy few weeks filled with children crying, the sweatiest days of May ever, a lot of iced drinks, myself running around with multiple tiny odd jobs at once, and field trips. I don’t recall going on many field trips as a kid, though there were a few memorable ones. I remember the one to the space centre in either grade 2 or 3, trips to Science World that same year… going to Playland in grade 5 and 7 with very different people from two different schools, various camps, the Stó:lō grounds tour in grade 4, and of course the pumpkin patch in grade 1! In high school I remember mostly the Victoria trip in grade 10 and the boat trip (which stopped in Deep Cove) the year after. Also the visit to the law courts in grade 12, which was cool except for the fact that I was recovering from a nasty cold and had to dump out all my tissues, used and not, in front of security. It would’ve been mildly embarrassing if I hadn’t taken a lot of cold medication already that morning.
First, we had the Dance Festival. I went as support for the tiny grade Ks, and also to film with my lil’ tripod and DSLR set-up. I also provided physical support, since one little girl was a bit overwhelmed and ended up sticking to me that evening. …and also every day after that. On Wednesday my mom came to the school for the Volunteer Tea Party, and we socialized. I ate a lot of ham and sweets. The next day was the kindergarteners’ first full-day field trip to the local art gallery, which was by a lake and also the village museum. They had a gallery tour and workshop, a picnic lunch, and also a walk by the lake. At the end, we all got to go on the old carousel and take the bus back to school. The emotions were high and the sun was unrelenting, but I think everyone went home happy. I also got to hold a baby, which was the highlight for me. I love babies.
On Sunday I took some of the grade 6/7s out with my siblings to the Vancouver Art Gallery. It went pretty much according to my plan and everyone got there and back safely. I consider that a success, though I was super exhausted when I got home. Man, preteens are hard to wrangle. More so than grade Ks.
Anyway, there aren’t that many weeks of school left for elementary students. Probably a good thing, but also makes me think… wow, time sure passes fast. That’s all, though. I try not to think too much these days.

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